Touching subject matters on racial discriminations, religion, culture, social antipathy - what makes Dogma a more hilarious film is that it doesn't touch deeper into the elements but rather shows the hilarity of the surface. Kevin Smith is in the directorial job and boy, does he really make some sense after all. A story that follows two renegade angels being sentenced to walk the Earth forever, a beautiful muse from the heavens disguising as a prostitute, a black prophet who claims to be the 14th man in Jesus' last supper company, a devil trying to kill the chosen one and a human whose destiny is bound to be tangled between divine blood and divine death. Ben Affleck stars, along with Matt Damon, the very amazing Chris Rock (who probably has the most outrageous humour in the world, as well as the most outrageous voice next to Eddie Murphy), and the sexy Salma Hayek. Mediocre for a bit, it is, talking about angels, devils, muses, chosen one's and destiny, we could surely say "for goodness sake!" It's the tackling of the subject that makes this film absolutely and scandalously funny. Even showing a new statue of Jesus, not on the cross anymore, suffering and in pain, but the Jesus reborn, cool and happy. Stir some chaos, Catholicism gobsmacked by this image... Kevin Smith sits down in his chair watching all of this befalling. When you watch this film, have an open mind. Don't be too bigoted. After all, it's the entertainment that we want to dig anyway.
Rating: B+