Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy... my predictions were correct. If J. K. Rowling wouldn't strive to finish her book within the year 2007, she would have been so foolish to do so. This year is the most perfect year ever. And now it's OFFICIAL. The seventh and final installment of the massively, obscenely, marvelously, universally popular Harry Potter series will hit stores on JULY 21, 2007! In my former predictions, I carefully calculated that the 7th would be released in the 7th day of the 7th month (July, seventh month of the year) of the 7th year of 2000, which is absolutely perfect. Well, if would be more absolutely perfect if it would be released on the 7th minute of the 7th hour of that 7th day. LOL. Anyway, Bloomsbury and Scholastic announced that it would be on the 21st of July, which means a week after HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX film would be released. Good strategy. People could watch the film first and the rush to the bookstores next weekend and shout for joy (or for remorse... this is the final book folks... say bye bye to Mr Potter and his cronies now). J. K. Rowling surreptitiously announced this one on her website, while continuously denying in the former months that the books isn't finished yet. Duh, Rowling, c'mon. As if we don't know your magical prowess yet, and numerologies as well.

Anyway, while Harry Potter is set for his final adventure (and probably be killed... my prediction again... as what the prophecy tells, neither Voldemort and Harry lives unless one dies... or both for me, story of sacrifice anyone?), the actor Daniel Radcliffe is set to outdo Harry Potter role and embark in more mature themes, playing Alan Strang in the lauded, controversial play EQUUS, which will be released this February 27 in the West End Theater in London. In this play, he's bound to show his grown-up side (and below the belt as well) if you see what I mean. Yes, he will be appearing naked in stage for his character, a teenager who has a psychological fixation with horses. Now, that's psychologically disturbing. Just hoping that he will grow up into a great actor, with his chosen career now. Most actors anyway who appeared on stage play have to face consequences as this. Even Nicole Kidman appeared nude on stage.
Now, enough of the nudie talk. This is it, DEATHLY HALLOWS is on its way, and I am guessing that the colour of the book will be black indeed. Greatly fretting for the end actually. Mark your calendars, JULY will be officially a HARRY POTTER MONTH.