Before the politically conscious and satirically hilarious Team America: World Police, the makers Trey Parker and Matt Stone already came up with the same politically conscious film, but only in 2D foul-mouthed cartoonized characters instead of puppets in strings. South Park came out with a film, a movie, a big break after conquering TV with such over-the-top hilarity in Comedy Central. I tell you, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is way too funny that most cartoon movies these days! In fact, it's the funniest, slickest, most kitschy, throat-gagging, raunchiest, and the most ruthless and outrageous cartoon comedy ever made in film history! Whew - how's that? It's funny as hell!If you think these characters looked like the children from your kindergarten coloring books, well, think twice. They're as foul-mouthed, as rude and straightforwardly vulgar as Eminem when he's drunk or something like that sort, writing and singing his own crap. Of course, this is the only cartoon I could recall in recent memory in which it was bitch-slapped with an R-rating by the MPAA - so tell me, how on Earth could a cartoon movie get as brutal as that! But behind those nasty jokes and almost rubbish silliness, it's quite enjoyable and a kind of movie that would give your sure-fire stomach-cramps syndrome. I maybe over-selling this stuff, but hey, who escapes a film that would utterly assure you with pure comic fun? So if you're a kind of person who doesn't like fart jokes, who abhorrs rude, crude racial jokes, who hates sexual and homophobic jokes and is easily offended by the green-toilet-kind of humor, then you should apparently shy away from this film, rush back to your local video store and blame the attendant for recommending this movie - or shall I say, blame me for saying that this movie really rocks! Haha! I don't even watch South Park in TV, and I once heard that it was banned from airing due to polluting the innocent minds of our generation's children, the future of this world. But upon watching this film, one could really forget about the world and just sit back on the couch, munch some popcorns and laugh uncontrollably like a lunatic. It's a very American movie, and it exposes highly-offensive racial issues, which I think was good enough to let America face the harsh fact about what they were doing to their own people. In fact, South Park is more politically and socially correct that most movies these days. It tries to include humor and deliver an astounding message beneath the crude jokes. From the cute but horribly foul-mouthed main characters, to the the impossibly racist mothers, to the evil Saddam Hussein, everything is plotted out like a big oddball of spoof bravura. Well of course, all you could really remember at the end of the film was this bunch of immature kids with filthy mouths, fucked-up thoughts and the initiative to save the world from evil denomation with the use of their oh-so-innocent minds. This bunch of kids who sing, "Shut your f%$^&g mouth, Uncle F%$#@r..." as nursery rhymes. Don't blame me. All fingers point to these ruthless makers: Trey Parker and Matt Stone.Watch it. Judge from it. Hate it, then leave it. Like it, then gotta love it, or even learn from it.
Rating: A-