Alright, we already know that Philip Pullman's glorious lit trilogy, His Dark Materials, will be adapted into three movies. Or shall I say, I'm the only one who knows that yet. Well, for those haven't - His Dark Materials will be helmed by New Line Cinema and to be crafted by none other than Peter Weitz, the genius behind About A Boy and American Pie, will direct the trilogy. He's writing it also, which gives a definite calibre for the films. Now, Northern Lights (title in UK version) or The Golden Compass (in US), will be shot starting this September 4 in United Kingdom and was planned to release it next year, November 2007. Will this mark a new promising fantasy film for New Line Cinema? After all, the company hasn't been investing $150 million since the first Lord of the Rings movie. So, speaking briefly, a new sure-fire blockbuster fantasy epic is coming our way. Yeah, I've read the book Northern Lights, and I've finished the second one, and now starting to read the last part of the trilogy (the thickest of them all), and I shall say, bloody hell, the book was so damn good I could barely get my hands off 'em. It's one of the best lits I've read so far. Perfect epic adventure. Imagine combining some Potter and Lord of the Rings elements. Let's see how tough that could get.
In connection thereof, I am quite pleased to announce that my most favourite actress in recent history, the honorable Mrs Nicole Kidman-Urban (recently wed country singer, Aussie-bud, Keith Urban), signed the contract to star as the villanous and glamorous Mrs Marisa Coulter. There was some hotstuff that Philip Pullman himself admitted that he based Mrs Coulter's character from Nicole Kidman's role in To Die For, which is just excellent.
Talking about the lead role, the courageous, intelligent and gutsy girl from Oxford, Lyra Belacqua, Dakota Blue Richards, a recently discovered talent, will fit in the shoes under the limelight. Judging from her name, I could say it's all specacular-spectacular.

Meanwhile, Eva Green, who just finished playing the upcoming new Bond temptress, Vesper Lynd, has also signed to star in The Golden Compass as the queen of the qitches, Serafina Pekkala, the brunette-haired, green-eyed witch. By the way, I just love her work in The Dreamers. Sounds a promising career for her, as if she was just born to play the role herself.

Now the most promising of all, I once heard some buzz that Paul Bettany will play Lord Asriel in the film, one of my most favorite character in the series, a ruthless and mysterious adventurer of the North. But now, a more serious buzz came out. It's official, the new James Bond, Daniel Wroughton Craig will play the role of Lord Asriel. Now that's just awesome. Craig himself felt proud to be in the series and according to him, it will be a different breath of fresh air, starring in a fantasy movie, in which he hasn't done before.
Now I couldn't be more excited than now, and I just hope they would do this well. I just settle my fingers on Paul Weitz, whom I believe is a good director. Say, November 2007 will mark a new event, eh? Although Potter's not over yet, there would be something else for us young adults again. I mean, c'mon, who digs Narnia nowadays? Kindergartens? Narnia's sequel, Prince Caspian will hit theaters Christmas 2007, and His Dark Material would be earlier, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be a lot earlier around July 13, 2007. Phoenix and Dark Materials would be my stuff. Just telling the makers of Narnia to not feed us with childish bubblegum fantasy anymore.