A kid's film, an all-time classic, a wondrous film both resonating and ultimately endearing - that's what I expected this film to be. Sadly, it failed in all categories. Thanks to the saving grace of Emma Thompson as the titular character. If not for her, this kid's movie would surely be out of history. Even Colin Firth wasn't much of a helped to save this film, and even that kid in Love, Actually, you know the kid who got a secret crush on a girl, the son of Liam Neeson's character, I don't know his name actually, couldn't pull out a dive either. Maybe it was a bit too colourful for my standards and too British to be accepted by many. Of course, I couldn't blame it to be British; I've been loving soo many British films over the past years. Braveheart, anyone? Or maybe, Harry Potter perhaps? This is a kid's film and I would say surely some kids would love this, or maybe adore it a lot but I surely tell that a kid whose been seeing so much of this stuff would find it a bit boring, or maybe an intelligent kid would find it too kid-ish for an ordinary standard. For some, it is a good movie, but for others who think otherwise would surely consider this as not much of a breakthrough. But I still respected the movie, that's what it deserves, more to Emma Thompson than the film itself.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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