Screw the glitzy Globes, bloated BAFTAs and over-the-top Oscars. Here, there will be no upset (pretty much, because nobody finds out about it), and soon as the awards circuit buzz ebbs away and broils down, envelopes would have been slashed open, trophies have been thrown, speeches have been ranted and booze have been guzzled -- the furore has just been waging in the Moviejerk left-field. Here, there are no trophies, no speeches, no typical tux and frolicking frocks or any of that bullshit, this is a knuckle-gnawing, teeth-gnashing event that honours those who rightly deserve from the finest films of the year, according to this critic (read: megalomaniac).
The 5th Moviejerk Awards 2009
"Taking Oscars by force. Whadda ya say, punk?"
Unveiling soon.
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