Muggles behold and rejoice. Surely this is the one that you've all been waiting for what seem like donkey's years. No, not that ridiculous 15-second IMAX trailer, which brought back the tease to the name of teasers, and offered us nothing but black and Dumbledore blathering. Now here is a better tease, and boy does it look, well, cinematic and ominous.

A glimpse into the trailer is He Who Must Not Be Name Jr., ie. Young Voldie, ie. Tom Marvolo Riddle the Tot, in his orphaned years. CLICK ON VOLDIE JR'S GRUMPY FACE FOR THE FULL HD TEASER TRAILER. Certainly by the first look, this boy looks the part. And if you're ever wondering why he looks like a young Ralph Fiennes, that's because he's Ralph Fiennes' nephew. If that's not a perfect work of casting, then I'm drinking Polyjuice. And it also features Dumbledore in gobsmacking wizard action, too. It's fiery.

For all who read HALF-BLOOD, there's some doubt lingering whether it would achieve a fluid transformation on screen, as there is much exposition and revisiting memories. And by that, it means talky and would probably put younglings to gruesome cinematic death. But when it's done right, we would have an in-depth exploration of a becoming villain. From the look of the trailer, there's a use of a gorgeous golden palette and an ominous starchy Dickensian grey in the Riddle memories, and that is because of a certain Bruno Delbonnel, the superb Oscar-nominated cinematographer of AMELIE, A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT, and the recent ACROSS THE UNIVERSE. Rest assured, all drama should be handled with good hands by director David Yates, who delivered us a rather very good ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. Surely this is a man who knows deep, serious affairs as seen in his complex works A GIRL IN THE CAFE and STATE OF PLAY, and when HALF-BLOOD is done right, it will elevate the Harry Potter franchise into new emotional heights. Know why? Now, that's called spoiling...