I guess only some knew that I've created a novel on my own, and apparently working on it at the moment. And it's gruelling to actually sit down on it, type the whole bloody thing away, yet at the same time, consistently hoping I could just finish it sooner so that people could read it - and be done with it also (mind you, brain's overloading that even in sleep, brain's still thinking what would happen in the next chapter). Of course, it's every writer's dream, to have his work be read by people and be appreciated - as if I'm a writer LOL. So, here's a little excerpt from the book, which I call "FIVE FALLING FOOLS", specifically from CHAPTER 3 entitled HIGH SCHOOL MISFITS. For a brief synopsis, I wouldn't give anything at all. I think the title says it all really, and it's rather literal, haha. Forgive me, it's all rubbish and it's all the product of boredom, but still wishing that at the end of the day, it would not belong to the rubbish bin after all.
Piper placed her hands across the table and leaned towards William, her tone slightly plunging into lower decibels. “You only think William that we’re the only people left in this world doing things which are not supposed to be done. Take a good look around you.”
Utterly perplexed, he threw glances around the hall, figuring out what Piper was talking about, looking at people, doing different things: other were excitedly chatting, some were throwing balled papers at each other, others were hungrily eating their way up, some were slouching in their seats probably bored, sipping on their milkshakes. But most likely, almost all were blissfully rejoicing for the end of the exams.
“You don’t see them, do you?”
“See whom?” he asked Piper, bewildered. “What d’you mean?”
“Them, Will. People like us. People who hide. You could possibly think that these other students come out clean, just what you thought about me, but bet my bollocks, they’re not. How many can you tell are there in this hall secretly hiding their crumpled papers inside their pockets? How many of them had barely slept overnight in preparing a cheat list? How many had secretly smiled when they broke free from their exams without their teachers prancing after them like loonies? Just – just how many students are still pretending that they know everything?”
There was bitter contempt in Piper’s voice. It was a kind of voice that he never heard from her in all those four years of companionship. An air of loneliness and hatred quietly quivered in her voice, almost unmistakable.
“This school’s not you think as special as what other people reckon. It’s not as different from Brightstoke or St. Peter’s. The teachers always claim that this school’s for the elite. Well, they just haven’t learned from their students. It’s just like every other school, every other school with students who cheat and students who play dirty,” she sputtered without much hassle. “Even if you’ll look harder, you couldn’t see them because they hide, Will. They hide within their selves. They are not what they appear to be. They live in disguise, desperately wanting for the right moment to step out from their shells. They live in lies. We don’t know if there’s many of them, or just a few, but for all we know, there’s always a reason why they do such a thing. Just like us, we cheat because we want to stay breathing. It’s ironic, but through cheating, it’s the way that we could live.”