Here are 5 things I realised about the film:
1.) Daniel Craig IS Bond. A year ago, I might have raised an snickety eyebrow to Craig for having been chosen as the Brit spy and have thought that Clive Owen would have rocked the role. But now, I have thought otherwise. Craig was destined to be Bond (to prove, even Pierce Brosnan gave thumbs-up to him and praised his performance). Now, I couldn't think of any actor playing this role. And of all Bond actors I have seen (in my whole 90's-conscious life, that is), Craig looks the most convincing killer of all Bonds. I also like Eva Green as Vesper Lynd; when all Bond girls consider their coca-cola bodies as the sexiest part of the woman, here's the amazing Vesper Lynd, with sarcasm and philosophical tinge in her voice, rightfully levelling Bond's equally egotistical gravitas, considers her brain as the sexiest part of her body.
2.) I wasn't a James Bond fan (and even hated some of the films for being so over-the-top), until now. I am definitely looking forward to Craig's sophomore Bond.
3.) Craig's Casino Royale was very in-touch with reality, compared to other Bond films. OK, I might have offended loyal Bond fans, and I confess I haven't seen all Bond films like Dr. No, Octopussy, Diamonds are Forever, The Man With the Golden Gun, Goldeneye, License To Kill, and everything else and have only caught up with the Brosnan era of Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day. The latest Bond film I have seen was Die Another Day, which I felt was so over-the-top, especially Brosnan's ridiculous invisible car. Royale was much realistic and putting Bond back into basics as the newly-promoted 007 was a wise move, saving the almost moribund Bond franchise. Non-fans like me COULD become fans in the future.
4.) One of the writers on this film was Paul Haggis, the director and writer of last year's Oscar Best Picture, Crash. No wonder, there was so much depth in the story and dialogues. Who could ever forget seeing Bond speaking very upfront, like a human, vulnerable and defenseless when it comes to the heart, "You stripped off my armour. Whatever's left of me. Whatever there is left... I'm yours." That's just one of the brilliant line of Royale. Some might have not noticed the lines (as for other people who just dig the action scenes and praise the movie by the action sequences itself), but the dialogues are brilliantly written. Even the scenes are contructed carefully, and I've never seen a Bond film before that has a scene full of silent emotions and depth like the picture above depicting Vesper Lynd and Bond under the showers after the traumatic stairs encounter. That's how the writers and the directors made this, the most human Bond film of all. And who could really expect that the gripping game of poker in Casino Royale felt as exciting as Brosnan's car chase on ice? Of course, the classic line when Bond was asked whether he wants his Vodka Martini shaken or stirred, he answered with so much arrogance and impatience "Do I look like I give a damn?" makes us shake our disbeliefs. Royale has indeed a good story, plus believable and convincing action sequences, it delivers a straight royal flush.
5.) Lastly, Royale COULD BE one of 2006's best films; I couldn't really judge from now since it's still November obviously. If it's not in my top-10 lists, then Royale would have to be one of the most satisfying films of the year and Craig would have to be in the Best Breakthrough Performance category. Either way, the movie wasn't disappointing, that's the most important of it all. Imagine my Mum looking so pleased with the new Bond years after saying that no one could really beat Connery. Some might say that Craig could not really beat Connery, well of course, Connery's a legend I think - but what matters now is that Craig is the new Bond, and he made the role as his own.
For those who haven't seen Royale, you're in for a treat. Watch 2006's probably most entertaining film. It's everything you're looking for in a film, action, adventure, romance and a rollicking ride full of sense, story, emotions and depth, not just a neurotic passer-by of a film. I might have been over-selling this film, but just try to watch this film, you'll soon thank me for it. Just like me, I had doubts watching this film before, but I now, I have never regretted it.