Once again puttin us into this kind of romantic movie formula, boy meets girl, fate collides and voila - into the race of mess where J.Lo had once been very good at. Just My Luck tells of a very lucky girl, who lives her life with ultimate splendour, having the right job, classy credit cards and fantastic society status. Until she meets this boy - a bad-luck magnet, who's life has nothing to do with good anything at all, filled with horrifying surprises and black karma. The both of them shared a kiss - that's how their fates suddenly switched places, stars collided. Boy became goodluck-magnet and girl became, well, the most devastated girl on Earth, who experienced the world's hateful bad luck of all bad lucks.
The film introduced the Brit band McFly as their selves, and it tried to concoct a film that's supposedly feel-good with a band, and having the blast at the end. I swear I'm gonna hate myself for this but I am a McFly fan and I dig their songs, but hell, their presence in the film didn't help at all. All the Lohans in the world couldn't even save this film, how much more for just one? Too bad this girl's making a great mess on her status, including careless driving (oops, I shouldn't have brought that up, that's Pink's territory). Once she avoids film roles like these, her career would be doing just fine.
Rating: C