Potter 5 opens at the theaters June 13, 2007. Damn straight, that long.

Oscar season is drawing to a near, and upcoming movies seemed to have felt the need to launch their trailers so here it is. These are just a few of the movies that I am looking forward to watch this year.
>>Frank Miller's 300
300 promo trailer is just drop-dead awesome! Looks like Sin City is being fused with Gladiator, and it involves so much ravishing cinematography. Gerard Butler looks really solid in this film. I could predict this would be the epic film of 2006.
>>Blood Diamond
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Honsou, Blood Diamond looks like an Oscar bait.
>>The Good Shepherd
Directed by Robert de Niro, produced by Francis Ford Copolla, focused on the history of CIA, with Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon - who could say no?
Nicole Kidman is destined for the Oscars this year, and it would be completely ridiculous if she wouldn't get a nomination. Steven Shainberg delves into Diane Arbus history and made an imaginary portrait. Robert Downey looks creepy and awesome. It's about mood and settind, dude. Filmmaking.
>>The Fountain
Critics are riveted by it, and they gave The Fountain very high praises in the Venice Film Festival. As for me, I knew this film was in the making ages ago and it's a Darren Aronofsky creation. I suppose he's inspired with the eternal love film, after Rachel Weisz gave birth to his son. Hugh Jackman could get an Oscar nod, I hope. Oh by the way, JoBlo offered The Fountain "the most astounding visuals you'll ever see this year... and the most poetic story too."
>>The Prestige
Another Hugh Jackman film, and to add to that, one of my most favourite actors in the world, Christian Bale and the young and respected Scarlett Johansson. 2 bestfriends, 2 wizards who became rivals. Sounds like magic to me.
The would-be Best Ensemble of the year, Bobby boasts so many fine talents: Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Lindsay Lohan, Elijah Wood, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Fishburne and many more... Directed by Emilio Estevez. It had already gathered high praises in the Venice Film Festival
>>Children of Men
So far, Alfonso Cuaron's works had not yet flagged down. He has done the bravest thing to Harry Potter 3. And now he's focusing to the world without a child. Clive Owen stars and Julianne Moore. A from the critics, sure-fire as hell.
>>Little Children
Another film entitled Children. Little Children gained reputation with its screening calling it a dark side of romance. They say Kate Winslet is outstanding in this one.
One movie that I can't wait to watch. Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu's 21 Grams, as I believe, is one of best films I've ever seen in my life. And with this, Babel, critics are already calling it moving. Even Brad Pitt was praised with "his finest performance up to date."
>>Pan's Labyrinth
This is so far JoBlo's highest rated film of 2006. It's 9 out of 10. Critics at Venice Film Festival are calling it "a flat-out masterpiece" and "a cinematic feat, one could be marked in history."
>>Flags of Our Fathers
I think my year wouldn't be complete if I wouldn't see this film. Clint Eastwood is back directing an Oscar contender. From the trailer itself, I knew it would be an Oscar turn.
>>Marie Antoinette
Names. Sofia Copolla. Kirsten Dunst. There is one name to remember this year. Marie Antoinette. Imagine Renaissance fused with rock soundtrack. Awesome.
>>The Queen
Helen Mirren had already won the Best Actress award at the Venice Film Festival. Who says this film's not royalty?
I am definitely watching this film. I am so definitely watching this. This indie would be a biggie. Maggie Gyllenhaal is a tour de force indeed.
>>Stranger Than Fiction
Will Ferrell would quit comedies. This is his new dramedy. At least there's drama, and critics are already giving way to their knees to this so-called "magnificent film ."
>>The Reaping
A solid looking horror-thriller. Hilary Swank lays a feast and she battles with the plagues that happened in Egypt ages ago.
James Franco looks cool in dramas, and Flyboys would prove that. Good-looking filn about the men who first flew the planes back in WW2.
>>Driving Lessons
Rupert Grint's breath of fresh air from Harry Potter. Looks like a very good indie drama with Julie Walters and Laura Linney. An adoslescent escapade of our lives.
Orlando Bloom's conquering indie. This movie will prove he's more than just a pretty face. Critics were calling this Romeo and Juliet in the Havana, a revenge filled conquest to the human heart. Written by Bob Yari, from last year's Oscar-winning Crash.
I wasn't so amazed by the trailer but it looks decent enough to be seen this year. Even the dragons looked so much computerized. Hmm, we shall see.
Enjoy watching!
A downright statement: Spirited Away is one of the most moving animated film ever made. And to mention, it's a Japanese animation, from the direction of Hayao Miyazaki, which grabbed the Oscar triumph of Best Animated Film beating out Hollywood animated-biggies like Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron, Treasure Planet, Ice Age and Lilo & Stitch. This is what movie magic is all about and Spirited Away proves us that even a 2D-animated film could be as powerful a movie with substance.I watched Spirited Away 4 years ago, when I was still in 2nd year High School, in which a friend introduced it to me. And after watching the film, I made a vow. A kind of I-swear-I-would-watch-this-movie-again-before-I-die-on-Earth vow, and four years later, I was still stunned by the magic of the film. It ranks as a contender for the all-time Disney classics, and as I grow up, I will surely not forget it and it will remain as a treasure to me forever. The simple story of a girl named Chihiro, a spoiled little clumsy brat, who hated her parents more than ever. They were moving to a new house, and she hated them for it. She hated moving to a new school, hated her parents' indifference, and hated everything she is about to face in their new life in a new house. She's annoyingly hard-headed, and surely demands everything she wants. But their journey towards their new home led them to a detour in a wild forest. They stumbled upon a theme park and they wandered around they found food served upon tables without anyone in sight cooking. Of course, when you're hungry, it's the stomach that's speaking - and so Chihiro's parents ate rather voraciously. Chihiro demanded them to stop and go back to the car but they won't listen. With heated head, she wandered around to see the sight, which was an abandoned park, and noticed it was becoming increasingly late. But when she went back to her parents, she could see nothing but two large swines in the clothes of her parents, sitting just where her parents had just eaten. Chihiro's parents turned into pigs, due to their greed. And what Chihiro was about to face would test her mind, body and soul to find a way to pick a decision: to escape from the place and leave her parents or battle everything to save the two people who had been with her with all her life. This movie is hard to resist. Although it's a 2D animation, it still sparks with magic and it's unmistakably visceral. But the reason why I call this film a moving experience was the movie's message for humanity. It appeals to everyone of us, children and adults, as long as we knew we raised by people whom we call parents. Chihiro, a formerly bad kid, had her faith, courage and love for her parents are being tested, and because of this happening, she was able to learn about determination, what courage really is, what is perseverance, responsibility, honor, and most of all, love. It was in her hands that the fates of her parents lie, and her unwavering determination leads her to do her best in saving her parents' life. A wonderful, beautiful portrayal that all of us are basically good, it's just that we are being blinded by our own greed, and misdeeds. Chihiro is in fact a reflection of all of us humans, fragile souls being turned around by hate yet had our eyes being opened by a life-changing experience that would change our beliefs forever. Even though we are adults, we somehow go back and look at our past and wish we could turn back time and straighten everything we wanted to change, learn more about respect for our parents and love them deeply. Spirited Away gives us a majestic reason to be able to change for good, or for better. Spirited Away had done the remarkable breakthrough that an Alice in the Wonderland had done way back decades ago. It is now being compared even to the legendary Wizard of Oz. Say, who might have never been captured by this soul-stirring, emotionally-moving animation. One of the most enchanting film of the years that had came by and it defines perfection. I even struggled to find imperfection in this film. Even the characters shine so brilliantly. Characters that are so unforgettable like your household-names of Cinderella, Ariel, Hercules, Snow White and Alice. Chihiro or named as Sin becomes an ultimate icon. Even the witch in the film was astoundingly created portraying evil necessarily. And Haku, the witch's apprentice, was a brilliant character too, a soul lost in his own absolution yet had a destiny to be remembered by his own courage and
strength to fight for his own will. Finally, the witch's baby, a large one, was definitely lovable. Anime lovers should rejoice for this, bringing a powerhouse to all-time greats. It is a beautiful experience watching this film, and it's musical score is as fluid as the story itself. It combines magic, folklore, legends, and as what have mentioned, it felt like it was Alice in the Wonderland but just taken so seriously with moral lessons one could take for all his life. It is a masterpiece. It's like Steven Spielberg, with Tim Burton, and Lewis Carroll all spun afresh with childlike wonder. It's impossible not to be spirited away with this movie. Mark my words: 10 years from now, film students would study this film and examine it for all its worth. It is a kind of film that has the resonant power to change what's wrong in this world that we live in.
Rating: A+