Holy Mary Mother of Jesus! The final Eragon poster was just released this day and I was able to dig it out! Whew! Coolness. I actually hate to say this but I am looking forward to watch this film - even though I hate Lord-of-the-Rings or Harry-Potter wannabes. I have read Eragon and it was good stuff. Dragons, magic, evil kings, warlords, wizards and super-boy hero. Epic masterpiece huh? Well, let's just witness this December 15th, and check out if it does justice to the hype. (Or is it a hype? I think I'm the only one in school who ever read this book. hahha! Just let me know though.) I'm jealous of the writer of Eragon too.. Christopher Paolini's still 17 years old and he already has a book published, not to meantion three books, a trilogy.. huhuhu..silly me. Anyway, I will be also looking forward for the trailer and judge it's worth to be watched soon. I know some of the actors in the film but I didn't know the name of the actor who played Eragon himself (my moviejerk-radar seems pretty low this time catching signals), the boy in front, looking smug and so arrogant when the character I've read in the book was a loner kind of boy, brave but humble. Sounds like the normy-kind of epic hero - Potter anyone? And his sword looks like a reinvention of Frodo's shining sword! Sue him, Peter Jackson! If you think Eragon is the name of the dragon, you're wrong. And you actually think that Eragon SOUNDS like a name of a dragon. It's a name of a boy. Little known fact: Saphira is the name of the Dragon and it's a she.
Big question though, why do the characters in a movie poster, especially epic fantasy posters, look directly at us? I mean, can't they be more dramatic than that?
Big question though, why do the characters in a movie poster, especially epic fantasy posters, look directly at us? I mean, can't they be more dramatic than that?